The Afghanistan Trust Newsletter Year End 2011
As 2011 closes, the charity has made some huge strides in fund raising and our ability to support paras wounded in Afghanistan, their families and the families of those who lost their lives there. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the key highlights of 2011, let you know about our plans for the future and also to say a very big thank you to all of you who have supported us over the last 12 months.
£583,000 has been raised this year, which is a 68 percent improvement on 2010. £250,000 has been dispersed in welfare grants, accounting for 86 percent of our expenditure and represents part of a total of nearly £1.3 million raised since the charity was set up in 2007.
Trust CEO
This success has been the result of the enormous support we have received and the increasing profile we enjoy. Much has been due to your hard work and that of the Afghanistan Trust's new CEO, Colin Smith. Colin joined us at the end of September after serving 42 years in the Parachute Regiment and leaving as a captain. Colin has already made s significant difference and was incredibly active on behalf of the charity before he came on board. He was the main driver in organising the second Afghan Trust charity dinner in the City at the HAC in July, which raised over £121,000. By popular demand, the HAC dinner will be taking place again next summer.
Key Fund Raising Events
These have included:
Individuals completing sponsored tandem parachutes jumps with the Parachute Regiment's Red Devils freefall team; each jump has raised several thousand pounds.
Piers Cushing's (of Barclays) completion in the Marathon des Sables which raised a very impressive £15,000.
Pete Digby’s run in the London Marathon carrying an 80 lb washing machine on his back. With 2 other runners taking part in the Marathon, over £20,000 in sponsorship money was raised.
The Tetbury Woolsack Race in May, which was sponsored by Iain Bailey of the Ormand Hotel. The event and the dinner Iain hosted raised over £6,000.
A 50 mile march across the South Downs by members of 4 PARA (many of whom had recently returned from serving in Afghanistan) which raised over £9,000.
An incredibly successful Festival of Remembrance in November at St Dunstan's on the Strand organised by Hannah Sisk. Partnering with the St Dunstan's Charity, over £4,000 was raised.
The Talbooth Charity Dinner in Essex, which was arranged on the sole initiative of Mike Volf, raised a substantial £10,400
The families of those who have lost loved ones have also been enormously active in raising funds for the Afghanistan Trust. Mrs Bell, the Mother of Martin who won a George Medal serving in 2 PARA, raised £26,000. The Hendry family also raised over £26,000 in memory of Lewis Hendry, who was killed in action whilst serving with 3 PARA. Additionally, Tony Lewis, the Father of Conrad who lost his life winning a Mention in Dispatches serving with 3 PARA, raised £ 15,000. Their efforts have been all the more impressive and heartening given their tragic loss which occurred during the Regiment’s most recent tour of duty in 2010/2011.
Corporate Sponsorship
We have also attracted some significant corporate sponsors this year, which have included:
Barclays Wealth's who made a donation of £120,000. Nissan's selection of the Afghanistan Trust as one of their 2 charities. Nissan have pledged to raise a significant sum and have already generously donated a Nissan car worth £32,000 which we will raffle to raise funds. As a result of their relationship with the Afghanistan Trust they have also arranged an 18 percent discount on the purchase of their cars with the MOD for all Service personnel. Auditel have also pledged to raise funds for us and Deloitte participated in the Para 10 event to raise over £10,000 and hope do more for us next year.
Our Strategy
The above are just some of the examples of what can be achieved by individuals and organisations which want to help us help those who have suffered as a result of service in Afghanistan. The money will continue to be used to meet our strategy of providing welfare support to fill the gaps in State help to the wounded and those needs that cannot be met by other charities. In line with this strategy we have 3 priorities:
Firstly, helping meet immediate welfare needs, such as providing financial support to the families during their bereavement, mobility support to the wounded and home improvements to those who have been badly injured.
Secondly, helping to provide support to assist those paras who will be discharged from the Army as a result of their injuries by helping them make a successful transition to civilian life. This has already included funding life skills and employment assessment courses and training programmes. This will become a growing activity in the next 12 months; there are already approximately 100 soldiers in the Regiment that have been identified as being likely to need our support as they leave the Army.
Thirdly, we plan to invest some of the capital we have raised in a legacy fund to cater for the longer-term needs of the wounded in the future. Our intent is to be build a fund worth in the region of plus of £2.5 million that will be transferred to the management of the Parachute Regiment when the campaign in Afghanistan ends in circa 2015. This will also include the setting up of individual education funds for the children who have lost their fathers serving in Afghanistan.
We have another exciting year ahead of us, with numerous events and activities planned to enable us to provide the support outlined above. Key events organised by the Trust include a repeat of the HAC fund raising dinner dance on 18th July, a charity boxing night in London against the Royal Marines on 18th September and participating in the PARA 10 cross country race in Yorkshire on 9th September; we are looking for 353 volunteers to participate, so please let us know if you are interested in gaining a place and raising sponsorship money for us. Details of these and other events will be posted on the website:
Much of the fund raising activity is also generated by individuals and organisations who have the imagination, initiative and get up and go to help us make a difference. Please keep on doing this, large or small, every effort helps the Trust to help those who have sacrificed so much for us. My best wishes to you all. Have a good Christmas and thank you again for all you have done to support us.
Stuart Tootal
Colonel (Rtd) S J C Tootal DSO OBE
Chairman The Parachute Regiment Afghanistan Trust
As 2011 closes, the charity has made some huge strides in fund raising and our ability to support paras wounded in Afghanistan, their families and the families of those who lost their lives there. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the key highlights of 2011, let you know about our plans for the future and also to say a very big thank you to all of you who have supported us over the last 12 months.
£583,000 has been raised this year, which is a 68 percent improvement on 2010. £250,000 has been dispersed in welfare grants, accounting for 86 percent of our expenditure and represents part of a total of nearly £1.3 million raised since the charity was set up in 2007.
Trust CEO
This success has been the result of the enormous support we have received and the increasing profile we enjoy. Much has been due to your hard work and that of the Afghanistan Trust's new CEO, Colin Smith. Colin joined us at the end of September after serving 42 years in the Parachute Regiment and leaving as a captain. Colin has already made s significant difference and was incredibly active on behalf of the charity before he came on board. He was the main driver in organising the second Afghan Trust charity dinner in the City at the HAC in July, which raised over £121,000. By popular demand, the HAC dinner will be taking place again next summer.
Key Fund Raising Events
These have included:
Individuals completing sponsored tandem parachutes jumps with the Parachute Regiment's Red Devils freefall team; each jump has raised several thousand pounds.
Piers Cushing's (of Barclays) completion in the Marathon des Sables which raised a very impressive £15,000.
Pete Digby’s run in the London Marathon carrying an 80 lb washing machine on his back. With 2 other runners taking part in the Marathon, over £20,000 in sponsorship money was raised.
The Tetbury Woolsack Race in May, which was sponsored by Iain Bailey of the Ormand Hotel. The event and the dinner Iain hosted raised over £6,000.
A 50 mile march across the South Downs by members of 4 PARA (many of whom had recently returned from serving in Afghanistan) which raised over £9,000.
An incredibly successful Festival of Remembrance in November at St Dunstan's on the Strand organised by Hannah Sisk. Partnering with the St Dunstan's Charity, over £4,000 was raised.
The Talbooth Charity Dinner in Essex, which was arranged on the sole initiative of Mike Volf, raised a substantial £10,400
The families of those who have lost loved ones have also been enormously active in raising funds for the Afghanistan Trust. Mrs Bell, the Mother of Martin who won a George Medal serving in 2 PARA, raised £26,000. The Hendry family also raised over £26,000 in memory of Lewis Hendry, who was killed in action whilst serving with 3 PARA. Additionally, Tony Lewis, the Father of Conrad who lost his life winning a Mention in Dispatches serving with 3 PARA, raised £ 15,000. Their efforts have been all the more impressive and heartening given their tragic loss which occurred during the Regiment’s most recent tour of duty in 2010/2011.
Corporate Sponsorship
We have also attracted some significant corporate sponsors this year, which have included:
Barclays Wealth's who made a donation of £120,000. Nissan's selection of the Afghanistan Trust as one of their 2 charities. Nissan have pledged to raise a significant sum and have already generously donated a Nissan car worth £32,000 which we will raffle to raise funds. As a result of their relationship with the Afghanistan Trust they have also arranged an 18 percent discount on the purchase of their cars with the MOD for all Service personnel. Auditel have also pledged to raise funds for us and Deloitte participated in the Para 10 event to raise over £10,000 and hope do more for us next year.
Our Strategy
The above are just some of the examples of what can be achieved by individuals and organisations which want to help us help those who have suffered as a result of service in Afghanistan. The money will continue to be used to meet our strategy of providing welfare support to fill the gaps in State help to the wounded and those needs that cannot be met by other charities. In line with this strategy we have 3 priorities:
Firstly, helping meet immediate welfare needs, such as providing financial support to the families during their bereavement, mobility support to the wounded and home improvements to those who have been badly injured.
Secondly, helping to provide support to assist those paras who will be discharged from the Army as a result of their injuries by helping them make a successful transition to civilian life. This has already included funding life skills and employment assessment courses and training programmes. This will become a growing activity in the next 12 months; there are already approximately 100 soldiers in the Regiment that have been identified as being likely to need our support as they leave the Army.
Thirdly, we plan to invest some of the capital we have raised in a legacy fund to cater for the longer-term needs of the wounded in the future. Our intent is to be build a fund worth in the region of plus of £2.5 million that will be transferred to the management of the Parachute Regiment when the campaign in Afghanistan ends in circa 2015. This will also include the setting up of individual education funds for the children who have lost their fathers serving in Afghanistan.
We have another exciting year ahead of us, with numerous events and activities planned to enable us to provide the support outlined above. Key events organised by the Trust include a repeat of the HAC fund raising dinner dance on 18th July, a charity boxing night in London against the Royal Marines on 18th September and participating in the PARA 10 cross country race in Yorkshire on 9th September; we are looking for 353 volunteers to participate, so please let us know if you are interested in gaining a place and raising sponsorship money for us. Details of these and other events will be posted on the website:
Much of the fund raising activity is also generated by individuals and organisations who have the imagination, initiative and get up and go to help us make a difference. Please keep on doing this, large or small, every effort helps the Trust to help those who have sacrificed so much for us. My best wishes to you all. Have a good Christmas and thank you again for all you have done to support us.
Stuart Tootal
Colonel (Rtd) S J C Tootal DSO OBE
Chairman The Parachute Regiment Afghanistan Trust